The Community Cinema Club is an independent, not-for-profit, organisation set up to cater for film enthusiasts in the area. We aim to show a varied programme of films which reflect the tastes and interests of our members.

We aim to programme two seasons per year, screening at least one film a month, usually the 2nd Thursday, which with effect from January 2025 will be shown at the Majestic Cinema, Tower Street, King’s Lynn PE30 1EJ at 7.30pm. Members pay a subscription of £17 for a season of films.

Alongside our programme of films, we also hold monthly educational events for our members and guests on a wide variety of film topics to stimulate wider interest in film as an art form.

We also stage regular social events such as meals – sometimes themed! – and quizzes, as well as occasional trips out. We dish out free drinks and mince pies at Christmas screenings, and chocolates at Easter!

Additionally we maintain a DVD exchange, enabling people to borrow copies of DVDs that have been donated by other members.

We are always open to new members and we encourage a strong community feeling to our screenings by personally introducing all our films, offering additional insight to enhance the enjoyment of our audience wherever possible.