Liskerrett Community Cinema

The Liskerrett Community Cinema has been running since 2007, our aim being to show recently released films locally in a convivial environment with the added pleasure of watching and discussing a film as a group. We offer a varied programme and include films suggested by our audience. We also like to show something a little different when the opportunity arises and support locally made films and performers when we can.

We improved the quality of our screen and projection five years ago thanks to a grant from Cornwall Community Foundation and the generosity of the Liskeard Breathers Group and Liskeard U3A, and show films in high definition. We have recently invested in a new sound system and have 50 new chairs thanks to the BFI Neighbourhood Cinema Equipment Fund.

We provide refreshments at each screening, produce film notes for people who provide us with their email address and run a loyalty card scheme - if you attend eight films, the ninth one is free.

From July 2015 we started hosting sub-titled matinee screenings with:

- Full sub-titles

- Disabled access

- Induction loop

- Free entry for carers

These films start at 14.30 and all are welcome! This is as well as our normal screening at 19:30.