Leamington Underground Cinema

Leamington Underground Cinema is a shady subterranean operation that was conceived in 2011 as a way of bringing the cool, the unusual and the seldom seen of the cinematic world to the attention of the culture starved masses of the local area.

Operating at various venues across the previously unsuspecting town of Leamington Spa – LUC has presented a whole load of unique one-off cinematic events as well as running three instalments of the Leamington Underground Cinema Festival in September 2013, October 2014 and November 2015.

Our aims are to

- screen brilliant, but less well known or non-mainstream movies

- bring great short films to a wider audience

- show classic cult movies in unusual locations

- supplement screenings with live music, interactive discussions, quizzes and any other ideas we can think of.

All information provided by Leamington Underground Cinema